Northeast China port sees 2,290 China-Europe freight train trips
Photo taken on March 31, 2021 shows a China-Europe freight train (blue) at Suifenhe Railway Port in Suifenhe, northeast China"s Heilongjiang Province.(Xinhua/Wang Jianwei)
HARBIN, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- Northeast China"s Suifenhe port on the China-Russia border has handled a total of 2,290 China-Europe freight train trips, according to local authorities.
Wednesday marked the 5th anniversary of the launch of the China-Europe freight train service at the port.
Over the past five years, the monthly number of China-Europe freight trains passing through the port has surged from one or two in the beginning to the current record high of 95, according to the China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd.
Right now, the China-Europe freight train service links the Suifenhe port in Heilongjiang Province with five foreign countries and 25 Chinese cities.
The China-Europe freight train service has three main corridors -- western, eastern, and middle -- with the Suifenhe port located on the eastern corridor.
China started the China-Europe freight train service in 2011, and it has since become a crucial link for trade and economic cooperation across the Eurasian continent.
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