GLOBALink | Innovative Zongtea gains popularity among consumers_当前热讯
HEFEI, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Keemun black tea, which originated in Qimen County of east China"s Anhui Province, is one of the most famous Chinese teas featuring an intense aroma. It has a history of more than 100 years.
Tea workers make Zongtea in Pingli Village of Qimen County, east China"s Anhui Province, June 14, 2023. (Photo by Shi Yalei/Xinhua)
This photo shows the newly-made Zongtea in Pingli Village of Qimen County, east China"s Anhui Province, June 14, 2023. (Photo by Shi Yalei/Xinhua)
A worker makes Zongtea in Pingli Village of Qimen County, east China"s Anhui Province, June 14, 2023. (Photo by Shi Yalei/Xinhua)
This photo shows Zongtea in a teapot in Pingli Village of Qimen County, east China"s Anhui Province, June 14, 2023. (Photo by Shi Yalei/Xinhua)
In recent years, many young people have returned to their hometown to start businesses and develop innovative products such as "Zongtea", a sticky rice dumpling with Keemun black tea as its stuffing.
As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, tea workers in Pingli Village of Qimen County use traditional method to make "zongzi" (sticky rice dumpling) with Keemun black tea as its stuffing.
Zongtea is small and exquisite, and the tea soup soaked by Zongtea has a fragrant smell and a sweet aftertaste. The blend and inheritance of traditional black tea and sticky rice dumpling are deeply loved by consumers.
- GLOBALink | Innovative Zongtea gains popularity among consumers_当前热讯
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